Give the gift of life

Help create a family

Give recipients diverse choice

A rewarding, worthwhile experience

Give the gift of life

  • By donating sperm, you’re giving someone the chance to have a baby.
  • Many families, couples and single people are unable to have children for a variety of reasons. Your donation could be the key to changing their lives.
  • The gift of life is unlike any other. Helping to start a family is incredibly rewarding – and although it may seem like a long process, the results can be completely transformational for the recipients.

Donors of different ethnicities

  • At the moment, there’s a shortage in the UK of donors from different ethnicities.
  • This means that sometimes recipients have a limited choice of donor.
  • Couples and families from different ethnic groups sometimes have to wait years for a donor of their choice – and in this time, their chances of successful treatment are reduced.
  • We’re currently in need of donors from a variety of ethnic groups. If you’ve got any questions or concerns about donating, reach out for a chat with our team.

The donation recipients

  • Your donation could help start a family.
  • Our recipients require sperm donation for a wide range of different reasons.
  • Our recipients can include: single individuals, opposite or same-sex couples, men who do not produce sperm due to a medical conditionor because they have had cancer treatment that has sterilised them, and couples who have a known hereditary condition that they do not wish to pass on to their offspring.
  • You are free to ask about the outcome of your donation. You’re permitted to know the number of babies born, the year they were born and the sex of the children.

A rewarding, worthwhile experience

  • Your donation will change the recipient’s life – but it could also change your own.
  • Knowing you’ve been able to help start a family is a completely unique feeling.
  • The feeling of pride is unlike any other accomplishments or rewards. Head over to our Stories & Blogs page to read some donor and recipient stories.